A blog by Mel Riser about LifeBoat Permaculture and Solar Villages

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Texas Energy Congress

In 2004 I had the opportunity to be a member of the Texas Congress on Sustainable energy and was a signer to this manifesto.

Please read and forward to who may be interested.


Declaration of Sustainability
Presented by the Texas Clean Energy Congress
November 15, 2004
Austin, Texas

The Earth is our home and its environment sustains life. We lament that today human society is using resources and creating waste on Earth at a rate that is destructive to the health of the planet and all life upon it. Extraction, production and consumption of energy and their resulting pollution constitute a large part of this problem. Renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation can solve many problems and are necessary elements for a sustainable future.

The First Texas Clean Energy Congress envisions a Texas responsibly powered by its sustainable, renewable energy resource base. Texas shall serve as a model to others in economic opportunities, advanced technology, environmental justice, innovative government and respect for future generations.

We can change our current practices in ways that build a sustainable energy future and that will create stronger communities, a healthier environment, and an economy that generates opportunity for all.

Whereas we have a responsibility to current and future generations,

Whereas the continued use of nuclear energy and of the limited supply of fossil fuels is adversely affecting our climate, environment, health and national security,

Whereas current energy production and consumption patterns cause inequitable, unjust and disproportionate adverse impacts especially on communities and people least able to overcome them,

Whereas the technologies of energy efficiency and renewable energy are accessible and continue to advance,

Whereas sustainable energy is one part of a holistic approach that encompasses many other strategies such as green building, recycling, responsible management of materials and existing fossil fuel resources, improved manufacturing processes, design for the environment, and energy efficient transportation,

Whereas Texas historically has demonstrated leadership in energy technologies and is uniquely positioned to extend that leadership into development of clean and sustainable technology and energy resources,

Whereas Texas has the greatest resources in the United States for the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency which are more than sufficient to meet our current and future needs,

And whereas the natural environment of Texas is inherently good with its own value apart from its utility to people,

Be it resolved therefore, that this First Texas Clean Energy Congress calls for Texas to lead in this historic time, and for Texas to lead in the transition to sustainable energy as we advance humankind.

We affirm that sustainable energy is energy that is reliable, clean and safe, and has positive impacts on the economy, society and the environment.

We affirm that Texas’ energy production and use should contribute positively to the welfare of all creation.

We affirm that Texas should reduce energy and resource consumption through conservation and energy efficiency.

We affirm that Texas should proactively plan for and provide a robust infrastructure to maximize the integration of sustainable energy.

We affirm that Texas should produce and export clean energy and clean energy technologies.

We affirm that Texas should lead in the creation of a National Clean Energy Consortium to research, develop and deploy cost-effective sustainable energy for the electric, industrial, building, and transportation sectors.

We call for Texas to create the appropriate policies, programs and business climate to meet the majority of its total energy needs with sustainable energy by the year 2020.

We call for our leaders to embrace the future of sustainable energy and make Texas the leader in sustainable energy.

We further endorse this Sustainable Energy Bill of Rights for all Texans:

1 All Texans have the right to live in a sustainable clean environment today and in the future.

2 All Texans have the right to be protected by energy efficiency codes and educated about energy savings options for their homes and businesses.

3 All Texans have the right to participate in an open public process to determine how energy is produced in and for their communities.

4 All Texans have the right to purchase clean renewable energy from their electric provider at prices that are reasonable and just and nondiscriminatory.

5 All Texans have the right to produce sustainable energy for on-site use

6 All Texans who produce renewable energy have the right to fair compensation for energy sold that reflects the full value of that energy.

7 All Texans have the right to access a means of transportation that runs on sustainable fuels

8 All Texans have the right to know the environmental impacts of their ways of life, including purchasing and energy consumption decisions

9 All Texans have the right to enjoy the economic benefits to Texas of the expanded use of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures

10 All Texans have the right to live in communities where sustainability is the guiding principle in development and community design.

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Agreed to unanimously and ratified this 15th day of November by the Delegates of the First Texas Clean Energy Congress,


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